How to reduce the risk of hip injury as we get older…..
Most of us know someone who’s had a hip replacement as a result of a fall.
At Compass Physio across each of our clinics in Enfield, Kilcock, Castlecomer and Trim Physio we see the result of this.
Often this is older people who have fallen over.
Some are lucky to escape with some minor bumps and bruises, while other need invasive orthopaedic surgery.
Going to hospital to have a hip replacement following a fall can be a traumatic event.
It requires a lot of rehab and exercises.
So this week we wanted to focus on reducing the risk of hip injuries by doing simple things to prevent a fall.
Reduce The Risk of Falling
– Having proper footwear
– No rugs
– Handrails on the stairs
These are just some of the ways to prevent falls.
Just because you have a handrail or a well lit hallway does not mean you lose your independence.
It’s an effort to keep you out of hospital in order to maintain your independence.
So please do a yearly check on on your older relatives homes for trip hazards.
Managing Your Weight
Being overweight means you’re not as agile on your feet and can’t react to a sudden change in surface.
Managing weight will help improve overall balance and coordination.
If you have osteoporosis you are more likely to have a fracture if you fall.
Therefore managing your diet is a key step in the prevention of falls and surgery.
Balance Exercises
Doing basic balance exercises on a daily basis has been shown to reduce the risk of falls in older people.
This can be done when waiting for the kettle to boil or after brushing your teeth.
Once you start the habit you should try to maintain it.
Please consult your physio before starting to do any balance exercises so they can provide a progressive plan.
Regular Exercises
Motion is lotion as they say and this is where Compass Physio plays a key role.
Regular exercise will help with weight loss, but it’s important to maintain strength and conditioning in your muscles and bones.
As we get older we can sometimes use it as an excuse not to do anymore exercise.
It doesn’t have to be much, there’re lots of simple chair exercises to maintain strong lower limbs.
Having an exercise bike or aqua aerobics are also easier on your joints.
Regular Check Ups
Once you get over 50 years old, it’s important to have regular check ups with your GP who can arrange dexa scans (check for osteoporosis) and review your medication.
Your optometrist can also review your eyesight to help identify trip hazards as you walk.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?
If you are finding it hard to complete regular exercises due to pain, fatigue or simply time schedules speak to us at Compass Physio.
Exercise is for everybody.
At Compass Physio we will complete a full physical assessment and will help identify any possible underlying causes that may limit your exercise regime.
Our chartered physiotherapists will help you to build strength and strategies which will help tackle any problem.
At Compass physio we will help you succeed and reach your goals.
To find out how Compass Physio can help, call 046 954 9456 (this number covers all clinics), click here to book online.
You can also email any questions to
Paddy Mulligan – MISCP Chartered Physiotherapist Compass Physio