Why do Bones Break?
Breaking a Bone and how Compass Physio can help
Here at Compass Physio we see lots of broken bones. From the sporty ankle that rolled the wrong way on the pitch to the older hip that may have slipped on the ice, we are experts when it comes to getting people back up and moving. With winter approaching the hospitals will be getting busier with people tripping and falling.
What Causes Bones to Break?
Bones are strong and even have some give to them, but they have their limits, too. Certain conditions such as osteoporosis or long term steroid use can also lead to weaker and more fragile bone leaving you susceptible to breaks.
Quick facts
1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men aged 50 years and older will suffer an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime
11,000 people are admitted to Irish hospitals each year with a fracture
Sadly the mortality rate 1-year after sustaining a hip fracture has been estimated to be 14% to 58%
Types of fractures
An open fracture is a fracture that breaks through the skin whereas a closed fracture is one that does not break through the skin.
Complete breaks mean the bone is broken into two or more pieces. While a partial break means the break does not go the full way through the bone.
A displaced fracture occurs when the fragment of bones do not all line up.
What It Feels Like:
Pain A broken bone may produce a deep, intense aching pain. Depending on the break, you may feel a sharp pain, too. You might feel chilly, dizzy, or woozy. You might even pass out or you may not feel anything at all!
Signs and symptoms
What to do when you if you suspect a fracture?
Go directly to hospital. An x-ray will confirm if there is a fracture and whether you may need surgery to help this fracture heal. The treatment for basic break is initially pain management. Surgery may be necessary to ensure bone is correctly aligned for healing. After this you may be placed in a cast/splint or boot depending on the fracture site.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?
If you are finding it hard to complete regular exercises due to pain, fatigue or simply time schedules speak to us at Compass Physio.
Exercise is for everybody. At Compass physio we will complete a full physical assessment and will help identify any possible underlying causes that may limit your exercise regime.
Our chartered physiotherapists will help you to build strength and strategies which will help tackle any problem.
At Compass physio we will help you succeed and reach your goals.
To find out how Compass Physio can help, call 046 954 9456 (this number covers all clinics), click here to book online.
You can also email any questions to info@compassphysio.ie
Paddy Mulligan – MISCP Chartered Physiotherapist Compass Physio