Why you need more sleep
Did you know not getting enough sleep can have major implications on your body?
Did you know not getting enough sleep can have major implications on your body?
Sleep deprivation is also a great form of torture (apparently I’ve never used it, but I must ask my parents). Getting the right amount of sleep is similar to putting the right food in your body. Each person has their own requirements for sleep but some have more than others.
For example a baby is “supposed” to sleep more at night and have regular naps during the day. Older people tend to need more sleep, while others don’t need as much. Now some people reading this will say, well some of the “great” leaders of the world could survive on 4 hours sleep a night, Thatcher, Bush, Clinton, Ahern. Take a look at some of their decision while in office!! Now off my political rant and back onto the topic.
Why you need to get better sleep!
In a recent study which was published on “rethinking Physiotherapy” which is a great resource on facebook. They published some stats based on athletic performance which can be translated into everyday life.
The effects of not enough sleep
- Sleeping less than 8 hours a day increases your risk of injury
- Increases risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes
- A lack of sleep can give the effect of intoxication (Driving tired can kill)
- You make basic mistakes on simple tasks
The effects of good sleep > 8 hours
- Your body recovers from injury quicker
- You have less stress
- Your reaction time improves
- Overall you’re less irritable and it improve your tolerance to difficult situations
Tips to get better sleep
- No electronic devices in the room
- Exercise more
- Meditation
- Better diet
- Sleep schedule (go to bed at a regular time)
- Make your room darker
- Avoid naps during the day
Tiredness is a terrible thing!! (Mammy 1988) You see the world differently through tired eyes and it’s very true. So if you’re stressed, constantly irritable or in pain then getting more sleep can have a significant improvement on your body’s function.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?
If you are finding it hard to complete regular exercises due to pain, fatigue or simply time schedules speak to us at Compass Physio.
Exercise is for everybody. At Compass physio we will complete a full physical assessment and will help identify any possible underlying causes that may limit your exercise regime.
Our chartered physiotherapists will help you to build strength and strategies which will help tackle any problem.
At Compass physio we will help you succeed and reach your goals.
To find out how Compass Physio can help, call 046 954 9456 (this number covers all clinics), click here to book online.
You can also email any questions to info@compassphysio.ie
Paddy Mulligan – MISCP Chartered Physiotherapist Compass Physio